Wordpress URL - https://www.datatorrent.com/wp-login.php

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  • Pages → Add New

  • Add New Page

    1. Add Title

    2. Add Header Image

    3. In Module Page Fields → Header Title

      Note: Select Add Tab Menu to add sub navigation for the page

    4. Select Parent and Template for the page

      • To have different blocks layout use Module page template

      • Click Add New Block in Home page fields to add a home page block

      • Select Block measure from dropdown as per need

      • Static Content Dynamic Event 40 x 60:- Use this measure to have content on left and latest event on right. In backend only content can be added. Event will automatically be displayed on page.

      • Static Content 40 x 60 is used for having content on both sides. Left side content and right side content can be added in backend itself.

      • Static three icon format measure is used to have three icons with some description. Before adding images, description for the section is added in "Full Width Static Content".

      • Full width section (dark band) is used to add full width content with a background that can be selected from the background dropdown. Click Add CTA button if CTA buttons are reuired.

      • Dynamic blog posts 50 x 50 measure is used to have latest two blog posts along with content for the section that can be added in backend. Posts will be automatically displayed.

      • Featured Module measure is used to have two different layouts, one is image left text right and other is image right text left.

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