How to add content below blocks


  • Go to Structure → click on Blocks


  • Click on add block


  1. Add Block title

  2. Add Block description
      i) E.g. for RHS blocks Naming Bottom Solution Briefs (mesh group mongodb)

  3. Add Block body

  4. Add CSS class (if required.)

  5. In Region settings
      i) For Region settings: there are two fields [Vormetric Custom Theme V1 (default theme), Shiny (administration theme)].
         If it’s coming under content below left then select Content below Left.
         If it’s coming under content below right then select Content below Right.
      ii) Select from the 2nd field: none.

  6. Under visibility settings Show block on specific pages select only the listed pages and add page node number.

  7. Click on save.

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