How to make page live and how to add breadcrumbs.

How to make page live.

Follow the entire step we did for staging page creation

  • Go to content → add content


  • Click on basic page


  1. Add/copy Title

  2. Add Page title

  3. Add content


  • Cliclk on the button


  • And add menu link title(same as the title text) and select the parent item(The page which you are creating its comes under in which section[eg:- Products, Compliance, Solutions…])


  • Check the URL path

  • Add meta tags (Meta title, Description Keywords)


  • Click on save.

  • Add RHS block(if required see the blocks doc)

  • Add Bottom content left/right(if required see the blocks doc)

  • And add menu. (check out in menu doc)

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